V-Day - vertaling naar italiaans
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V-Day - vertaling naar italiaans

giorno della vittoria
VE Day         
  • Celebrations in [[Toronto]] on 8 May 1945
  • Celebrations in London on 8 May 1945
V-E Day; VE Day; VE day; V e day; V-E day; Ve day; Ve-day; VG day; Vg days; VE-day; Victory Europe Day; V.E. Day; Victory In Europe; Victory in Europe; Fête de la Libération; VE-Day; 8th May 1945; May 8, 1945; Defeat of Germany; Victory Day (8 May); V E Day; V. E. Day; Victory Day (May 8th); Victory Day (7 May); Victory Day (May 7); Victory Day (May 7th); VEday; Victory Over Europe Day; Victory Over Fascism Day; Liberation Day (Germany); May 8 1945; 8 May 1945
giorno VE (vittoria delle truppe alleate alla fine della seconda guerra mondiale)
Victory in Europe Day         
  • Celebrations in [[Toronto]] on 8 May 1945
  • Celebrations in London on 8 May 1945
V-E Day; VE Day; VE day; V e day; V-E day; Ve day; Ve-day; VG day; Vg days; VE-day; Victory Europe Day; V.E. Day; Victory In Europe; Victory in Europe; Fête de la Libération; VE-Day; 8th May 1945; May 8, 1945; Defeat of Germany; Victory Day (8 May); V E Day; V. E. Day; Victory Day (May 8th); Victory Day (7 May); Victory Day (May 7); Victory Day (May 7th); VEday; Victory Over Europe Day; Victory Over Fascism Day; Liberation Day (Germany); May 8 1945; 8 May 1945
giorno della liberazione europea (VE Day)


VJ day
¦ noun the day (15 August) in 1945 on which Japan ceased fighting in the Second World War, or the day (2 September) when Japan formally surrendered.
VJ, abbrev. of Victory over Japan.


Il V-Day (abbreviazione di Vaffanculo-Day) è stata un'iniziativa politica tenutasi l'8 settembre 2007 in diverse città italiane, promossa dal comico Beppe Grillo con l'intento di raccogliere le firme per la presentazione di una legge di iniziativa popolare riguardante i criteri di candidabilità ed eleggibilità dei parlamentari, i casi di revoca e decadenza dei medesimi e la modifica della legge elettorale. Nei fatti è stata la prosecuzione dell'iniziativa Parlamento pulito che il comico genovese aveva condotto attraverso il suo blog.
Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor V-Day
1. V-Day has arrived.
Off-Broadway's The Other Josh Cohen _ Talks at Google
2. movement in V-Day.
I Am an Emotional Creature _ Eve Ensler _ Talks at Google
3. V-Day to travel the world.
I Am an Emotional Creature _ Eve Ensler _ Talks at Google
4. with V-Day and "The Vagina Monologues,"
5. Eve Ensler: Well, I also think that in terms of Google and V-Day -- you know V-Day - V
I Am an Emotional Creature _ Eve Ensler _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor V-Day
1. V–Day accounts for about 16 percent of annual sales, according to Susan Fussell of the National Confectioners Association.
2. Ending violence against women and girls is the issue at the heart of V–Day, which has raised more than $35 million so far.
3. Card makers capitalise on ‘Anti–V–Day‘ movement Experts finally crack 18th century Valentine‘s puzzle Is love in the stars for you this Valentine‘s Day?
4. Created in 1''8 by Ensler, the author of "The Vagina Monologues," V–Day coincides with Valentine‘s Day and spotlights areas worldwide where women are experiencing violence.
5. Craig Luell, owner of A Las Vegas Garden of Love (five chapels, one location), expects to book about 150 couples for V–Day.